Because it is necessary to continue to improve software, we regularly update our solutions to make corrections and add functionality.
A new version of Open-Capture is now available, you can consult all versions of Open-Capture here.
Open-Capture is free software that is offered by Edissyum
New Features/ Improvements
- GENERAL – Update to Angular 15
- Update packages
- Improve settings sidenav
- Improve tooltip font size
- Various UI/UX improvements
- Fix if no login methods enabled
- Improve FindFooter process
- Add unittest
- Improve viewer
- Add OCR to splitter input
- Add lock feature in batches
- Link batch to user customer
- Fix export zip space removing
- Improve the form change dropdown
- Add original file download on view
- Fix batch id replacing in file names
- Add reload referencial confirm dialog
You can download the new version of Open-Capture on the download page.
Click on the following link to try the Open-Capture demo: Demo – Open-Capture