Open-Capture For Maarch version 2.10

Open-Capture for Maarch 2.10 release: OPEN source LAD for mail management

Changelog Technique

The open source and complementary LAD tool that improves the efficiency of Maarch mail is getting a makeover.

  • Many improvements are present since the release in version 2.0:
    Various bug fixes
  • Perfecting the date capture
  • Optimizing the detection of the subject
  • Improved error management
  • Control and management of temporary file management
  • Adjusting launch scripts for better management of potential errors
  • Refactoring parts of the code
  • Compatibility with Debian 10 and Ubuntu 19.10
  • Improved logs for more visibility

Functional ChangeLog

  • Optimizing the size of enhanced PDFs on output through the use of OCRmyPDF
  • Reconciliation with Maarch database contacts through phone number (in addition to email and URL)

It is now possible to choose between supervisor or systemd. Supervisor allows multiple Open-Capture instances to be launched simultaneously. Systemd works perfectly for single instance.

All its improvements have been made possible thanks to our main and gloden contributor: Florent Pianetti from the city of Berre-l'Étang.

Increased productivity

Today, Open-Capture For Maarch is in production with many of our customers. This solution allows them, on average, to optimize processing times by about 40% on mail from digitization.

Download Open Capture for Maarch Mail

Open-Capture for Invoices

In an effort to constantly evolve, Edissyum is proud to announce the upcoming release of Open-Capture For Invoices.
This unique open source LAD solution will enable intelligent document separation (without physical separators) as well as automatic recognition of the different fields of an unstructured invoice:

  • Retrieving the supplier via the SIRET or VAT number
  • Capture of VAT rates, HT and TTC amount
  • Extracting the date of the invoice
  • Video interface coding with OCR on the fly for information reassemlift as well as vendor-specific learning

Download Open Capture for Invoices