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  • #1013

    sudo systemctl restart OCForInvoices-web.service

    donne la meme erreur que la commande sans sudo

    le format du fichier /etc/systemd/system/OCForInvoices-web.service. n’est pas autorisé en pièce jointe. mais je vous ai envoyé la capture du contenu du fichier précédemment.

    • Cette réponse a été modifiée le il y a 4 années et 6 mois par AG.

    sudo systemctl restart OCForInvoices-web.service   donne la meme erreur que la commande sans sudo

    voici la capture du fichier /etc/systemd/system/OCForInvoices-web.service. Il n’y a pas de pièce jointe possible dans le forum


    Résultat de la commande

    systemctl status OCForInvoices-web.service

    ● OCForInvoices-web.service – Gunicorn instance to Open-Capture For Invoices

    Loaded: error (Reason: Invalid argument)

    Active: inactive (dead)

    Jul 30 04:18:39 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/OCForInvoices-web.service:9] Execut

    able path is not absolute, ignoring: gunicorn –timeout 300000 –workers 3 –bind unix:OCForInvoices.sock

    -m 007 wsgi:appwsgi

    Jul 30 04:18:39 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: OCForInvoices-web.service: Service lacks both ExecStart=

    and ExecStop= setting. Refusing.

    Jul 30 04:18:49 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/OCForInvoices-web.service:9] Execut

    able path is not absolute, ignoring: gunicorn –timeout 300000 –workers 3 –bind unix:OCForInvoices.sock

    -m 007 wsgi:appwsgi

    Jul 30 04:18:49 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: OCForInvoices-web.service: Service lacks both ExecStart=

    and ExecStop= setting. Refusing.

    Jul 30 04:18:51 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/OCForInvoices-web.service:9] Execut

    able path is not absolute, ignoring: gunicorn –timeout 300000 –workers 3 –bind unix:OCForInvoices.sock

    -m 007 wsgi:appwsgi

    Jul 30 04:18:51 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: OCForInvoices-web.service: Service lacks both ExecStart=

    and ExecStop= setting. Refusing.

    Jul 30 04:18:53 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/OCForInvoices-web.service:9] Execut

    able path is not absolute, ignoring: gunicorn –timeout 300000 –workers 3 –bind unix:OCForInvoices.sock

    -m 007 wsgi:appwsgi

    Jul 30 04:18:53 vps-269d4e79 systemd[1]: OCForInvoices-web.service: Service lacks both ExecStart=

    and ExecStop= setting. Refusing.

3 sujets de 1 à 3 (sur un total de 3)